CFNM Stories

CFNM couple

Free CFNM Stories

If you like CFNM (clothed female nude male) stories then I think you’ll love those I’ve published on this site and on Amazon. There are few things more erotic than an elegantly dressed woman with a nude man by her side, not only ready to submit to her every desire but entirely unable to do anything else.

You can read the first part of my CFNM series What She Says here, and if you register then I’ll send you a password to read the other chapters – for free.

The Undergraduate

Beautiful woman in a dress with a naked manAnd if you like what you read, then you’ll love my first CFNM novel The Undergraduate, available from Amazon as a paperback and for the KindleThe Undergraduate is a CFNM love story that will take you on an exciting emotional and sexual journey. With an intense focus on character development and the interaction between the lead pairing, and with prose full of teasing descriptions and erotic sensuality, this is the CFNM novel that you’ve been waiting for.

“For the whole week all I could think about was that precious few minutes I had spent naked with Mrs Cooper, my childhood crush. And also for the entire week, just like my teenage years, every time I masturbated it was Mrs Cooper I thought of. I found myself scouring the internet for pictures that bore as close a resemblance to her as possible, naked or otherwise; anything that helped me to relive last Sunday afternoon.”

Buy The Undergraduate - A CFNM Story from Amazon

Kara Bryn’s CFNM Posts

And to get you in the mood, I often post fun CFNM images from around the web here, and add a little caption to hint at the story that might be behind them.